Column | Author Shares His Views On Gov’t Land Allocation System
By Alagie Saidy-Barrow I have argued, at various times that as a people, unless the foundations we stand on are dismantled, Gambia will never rise. I still stand by that position. And when I say dismantled, people assume it’s destruction but that is not the case here. Dismantling means systematically taking apart every single piece of the columns we stand on and examining them to see if they are fit for purpose. For instance, why do we feel the need to give prime land to the President or public and civil servants? You’ll hardly ever hear such prime lands being given to some poor woman in the backwaters of Badibu? How fair is this land allocation system? We seldom ask these types of questions because those who are supposed to play the drum and sitting comfortably on it. Gambia is not where it is today because Gambians are stupid or lazy, no, we are where we are because we insist on colonial foundations that have never worked for any African country! And these foundations were meant to