
Showing posts from April, 2024

COPG condemns police arrest of protesters

            By Sheriff Saidykhan  Following the recently called off protests by disgruntled commuters and passengers using the ferry services from Banjul to Barra, the Coalition of Progressive Gambians (COPG) have condemned the arrest of protesters.  “We wish to convey our solidarity with the people affected and those who wanted to express their civic rights and also condemn the move by the security forces to arrest those who came to protest without ill will but to express their rights and voice out their problem,” the release said The group reminded the powers that be; of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ slogan, saying the country will not be plunge back to oppressive rule. “We want to remind the government, the National Assembly and security forces that when Gambians pronounced NEVER AGAIN and pursued change, they wanted to realize a reliable system change. Gambians never expected to slide back into the oppressive and brutal regime that led this country for two decades,” according to the release. T

KairCLO Holds National Symposium On Waste Management

Team Outpost  Kairaba Conversation and Leadership Organization (KairCLO) has on Wednesday held a daylong national symposium on waste management, marking the centenary year of the late Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara. The event held at Ocean Bay Hotel, Cape point Bakau brother together civil society organizations and people from different walks of life, to mitigate strategies towards combatting the effects of environmental degradation, with the THEME “Waste Management and Transformation Opportunities in the Gambia”.  Speaking at the gathering, Dr. Sidat Yaffa, Deputy Vice Chancellor UTG and Director of WASCAL Gambia Thanked KairCLO for the initiative, saying the late Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara envisioned the Banjul Declaration towards conserving the flora and fauna of the environment. “Sir Dawda had a vision decades ago to protect the flora and fauna of the environment” he said. Boubou Hallow, representing the Minister for environment said waste is dump at the informal dumpsite, adding that they

Diomaye Faye promises to strengthen relations, others

By Sheriff Saidykhan  President Basirou Diomaye Faye has promised to strengthen the existing bilateral relations between Gambia and Senegal. He made these remarks on Saturday during his first state visit to Gambia.  “I will continue to strengthen the bilateral relations between Gambia and Senegal. The two countries continue to live harmoniously as one. The people of these two countries continue to live in peace, without any segregation or division,” he said  He said Gambia and Senegal are one nation, despite the colonial enclave of the British and the French.  He further expressed delight and extended gratitude for meeting his counterpart President Adama Barrow. “We are very delighted for your warm welcome meeting you as a friend and a partner’’ said Diomaye Faye. The two heads of states discussed range of issues including: security, defence, trade and several other matters.  Fraternity and solidarity, he said, is a Pan-African project envisioned by his government for the development o

Enact calls for action to combat TOC

                                By Sheriff Saidykhan  Enhancing Africa’s Response to Transnational Organised Crime (ENACT) in partnership with the European Union (EU) has on Wednesday called on member states of the African Commission to take urgent action in combatting Transnational Organised Crime across the continent. The event held at Kairaba Hotel, brought together human rights lawyers and people from different walks of life to devise strategies towards combatting transnational organised crime. Dr. Feyi Ogunade, Enact Regional Coordinator highlighted key concepts to understanding the human rights systems in Africa. Speaking at the gathering, the EU Representative Mr. Raphael Brigandi said the Enact project is committed to strengthening Africa’s capacity to combat Transnational Organised Crime  He said Enact accomplishes this goal by creating awareness, producing evidence -based knowledge, building skills and providing technical expertise to government's and regional institution

Opinion | The UDP And The Prisoner’s Dilemma

                                            Political Commentator  Diagnoses The UDP Controversy!              By Alagie Saidy-Barrow  If you are familiar with Game Theory in any of the social sciences, then you may have heard about the “prisoner’s dilemma”. The prisoner’s dilemma is a “concept” in game theory that provides a “foundation” on why two or more rational individuals or organisations, etc., would choose to cooperate or compete against one another. In its simplified form, the prisoner’s dilemma refers to two individuals, let’s say in this case, Kenbugul and Terrenna, who are both in remand at Mile Two, charged with kidnapping a Badibunka.  If Kenbugul and Terrenna both refuse to cooperate with Police Prosecutor Ceesay Chopsa, then Kenbugul and Terrenna will only serve ONE YEAR EACH in Mile Two for the lesser charge of “hanging out” with a Badibunka, which is a simple misdemeanour in Kiang. However, if Kenbugul betrays Terrenna and cooperates with Prosecutor Ceesay Chopsa, the

Passengers lament frustration over ferries closure

By Sheriff Saidykhan  Passengers crossing from Banjul to Barra route have lamented their growing frustration over the closure of the ferries. On Friday, the Kanilai ferry had experienced engine failure near the turning buoy en route to the Barra lander. Due to the severe weather conditions, the ferry was unable to reach the lander and eventually drifted towards the beach.  Lamin Jammeh, a frequent traveller from Banjul to the Barra route expressed his frustration, saying it will delay the transportation of goods and services. This he added will hinder the socio-economic development of the country. “As a frequent traveller of Banjul Barra ferry crossing, it will be very stressful to see the closure of the Ferry service, it's the fastest way one can use when going to North Bank compared to using the south Bank. The closure of the Ferry service will delay the transportation of good and service from and to the urban center this will seriously hinder the socio- economic development of t

Ful text: President Barrow’s Eid Message

  Fellow Gambians, at home and abroad,  Friends and Residents of The Gambia, Once again, we devote thanks and praise to Allah for living to witness another Eid-ul-Fitr.  With this gift of life and other Divine mercies in mind, the moment should encourage us to remember and pray for the sick and seek Allah's forgiveness and mercy for those we lost during the year.  Because Eid-ul-Fitr brings joy and renewed faith, it is an occasion to express gratitude for completing the spiritual duty of fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan. In various ways, Ramadan comes with spiritual and moral lessons for our general wellbeing. It is a period that reminds us of our duty to support the less privileged, while legally enjoying the bounties bestowed upon us.  This includes those struck by calamities, such as hunger, unrest, and natural disasters.  Fellow Citizens,  As we prepare to feast tomorrow, we must not forget that there are many ongoing conflicts and wars in various parts of the world, le

Barrow tells religious leaders to preach peace, others

Team Outpost  President Adama Barrow has called on religious leaders to preach peace in the country. The annual Eid-ul-Fitr Meeting with Banjul Elders is a practice initiated during the colonial days to bring issues of concern to the leadership. President Barrow thanked the Banjul Elders for expanding the annual event to include representatives of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council, Ahmadiya Jamaat and religious sects.  He urged his guests and all Gambians to maintain the peace in the country, emphasising the obligation of all citizens to live and work hard for the country.  President Barrow called on Muslim Preachers to understand that even though The Gambia is 95% Muslim, the Constitution and other laws of the land govern the country, and not Sharia Law. “There are Laws that may not favour everyone but must be respected by all for peace to reign.” He emphasised.  Responding to various issues raised by the speakers, including the state of the traffic on the Bertil Harding Highway, the

COPG Critiques Gov’t Foreign Policy, Others

Team Outpost The Coalition of Progressive Gambians (COPG) have critiqued government foreign policy.  The group expressed its deep concern over the recent treatment of Gambians in the diaspora particularly on the recent deaths of Gambians in Egypt and Germany and the inhumane treatment of Gambians deported from Germany.  “In the 21st century where international law and order in line with human rights is advocated globally, it is disappointing and disheartening to see the gross violation of human rights by custodians of the laws in those countries that champion the advocacy of human rights.  We call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come out and explain to The Gambian people the reasons for the deaths and inhumane treatment of Gambians abroad and deportees as well” the release said. The group further called on the government through its foreign ministry, to redefine its foreign policy approach to deploy the right personnel with ethical standards.   “Its time for the Ministry to redef

Security expert dismisses gov’t cybercrime threat to ‘crush online dissent’

By Sheriff Saidykhan  The Gambian-U.S based criminologist have dismissed the cybercrime bill initiated by the government of President Adama Barrow to effectively crush online freedom of expression and dissent. Mod Lamin Faye, a specialist on law enforcement and national security matters made these remarks recently in a telephone interview with The Outpost Media. “It just did not make sense. Cybercrime doesn't have to do anything with freedom of expression. Freedom of expression does not consitute cybercrime.The currently administration is basically trying to bring a law that only favors them. Anyone who understand the word cybercrime will tell you it does not have to do with freedom of expression,” he said On 18 March 2023, the proposed 2023 Cybercrime Bill (the draft Bill) was approved in the  first reading in the National Assembly of the Gambia and committed to the second reading in the Assembly Business Committee. He added: “What they are trying to do is not going to work. Is on

Diomaye Faye’s Speech: System change, economic and social progress

  By Sheriff Saidykhan President Bassirou Diomaye Faye said there's need for systemic change, to sustainably put Senegal on the path of economic and social progress. He made these remarks on Tuesday during his inaugural speech held at the Abdou Diouf International Center. The event saw the attendance of President Adama Barrow and other state dignitaries. “I am aware that the results coming out of the polls expressed a deep desire for systemic change. Through my election, the Senegalese people are committed to the path of creating a just Senegal, a prosperous Senegal in a progressing Africa. And in this work of building a new Senegal, I will work tirelessly to preserve peace and national cohesion. I will keep in mind that our most precious resource remains the stability of our country. I will mobilize the Senegalese here and in the diaspora around a unifying national project and guide towards a peaceful future. I am committed by promoting the cult of work, the ethics of management,

The Gambia: ARTICLE 19 diagnosis cybercrime bill as ‘threat to crush online dissent’

Team Outpost  ARTICLE 19, a human rights organisation have diagnosed the draft cybercrime bill as a threat to effectively crush online  freedom of expression and dissent. “ARTICLE 19 is deeply concerned that a draft cybercrime bill (the Draft Bill) currently under consideration in the Gambia will serve to effectively crush online freedom of expression and dissent”. On 18 March 2023, the proposed 2023 Cybercrime Bill (the draft Bill) was approved in the  first reading in the National Assembly of the Gambia and committed to the second reading in the Assembly Business Committee. ARTICLE 19, further expressed discontent of the  Draft Bill to be ‘fatally flawed in its current state,’ and urge the drafters to address its severe shortcomings to bring it in line with international standards on freedom of expression. “In our analysis, ARTICLE 19 provides a close look at structural flaws and legal issues in the Draft Bill. We also note that nations, including the Gambia, are currently debating a