Suwaibou Touray Aims To Eradicate Poverty In Wuli East
By Sheriff Saidykhan Suwaibou Touray, the National Assembly Member for Wuli East Constituency has aimed to eradicate poverty, through empowering the agrarian communities among other initiatives in Wuli East. It is against this backdrop, he initiated the Wuli East Development Initiative (WEDI), a community based development with the aim to supporting development initiatives in the Wuli East Constituency. “WEDI is a Community Based Organization which I initiated in 2017 for the purpose of supporting development initiatives in Wuli East Constituency. From 2017 to 2021, I continuously donate part of my sitting and other allowances received from the National Assembly to the WEDI which they use to support communities with development challenges relating to water, gardens, road maintenance, sport gears, fertilizer purchases and seeds,etc” he said. He said the rationale behind the initiative, is geared towards supporting vulnerable women gardeners. “So in 2022, the WEDI and I agreed to c