
Health | The positive effects of Ramadan on your mental health

  |  Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, during which Muslims are encouraged to abstain from food and drink between dusk and dawn.| Before you fast, it is always a good idea to check in with your doctor to determine whether or not you should. If you are unable to fast, you can pay the fidyah instead, where you give a poor and hungry person the amount of money equivalent to the cost of two meals a day. How fasting and being charitable helps your mental health Fasting is not only about abstaining from food. You also avoid harmful speech such as talking ignorantly or indecently, and also shun negative actions such as arguing or fighting. By doing so, we can focus on developing good behaviours and increasing the number of good deeds we do. Throughout Ramadan, there is an emphasis on charity and thinking of those in need in order to find ways to unify our community. During this month, we start to think of how we can give back and how to connect with our family and those around us.

GWA-FC threatens to demonstrate against external interference on FGM

  By Sheriff Saidykhan The Gambia Women are Free to Choose (GWA-FC) a pro female circumcision advocacy group have threatened to demonstrate against any external interference on FGM in the country.  “We will mobilize and respond in our numbers to demonstrate against any interference from external FGM organizations or actions from donor countries that infringe on our democratic and constitutional rights as Gambian citizens,” the release said In a press release yesterday, the group expressed concerned with Amnesty International’s misguided call on Gambin Parliamentarians to maintain a ban on FGM  “W are concerned about misleading statements made by human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International. First, the terminology that is used in the Women’s Act 2010 is “Female Circumcision” and not Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), as we also mistakenly assumed. Gambian women do not practice or support the “mutilation” of females or males.  Second, for an international human rights organiza

Release | GSIC Declaration (FATWA) On The Ruling On Female Circumcision In Islam

  Amid the growing debate over FGM/C, the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council Renewed Its Support And Issued A Declaration On The Ruling On Female Circumcision In Islam. Below reads the full release. Release “The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) is pleased to issue a fatwa to all Muslims in  The Gambia regarding the legality of female circumcision. In this regard, the GSIC would  like to clarify that female circumcision is not a merely inherited custom as falsely claimed  by those who are clueless about Islamic law. Rather, it is one of the virtues of Islam and  among the Sunnah practices dictated by the Messenger of Allah, Peace be Upon Him, who  said: “Five practices are characteristics of the Fitra,” of which he mentioned circumcision. The legitimacy of female circumcision has been proven in several established hadiths on  the authority of the Prophet; peace be upon him. Therefore, Muslim jurists agreed on its  legality. Some jurists have even argued that female circumcision is obli

Muslims Urged To Eat Warm Foods During Ramadan- Fatou Darboe

  By Sheriff Saidykhan Fatou A. Darboe, Programme Coordinator, Nutrition unit at the Directorate of Health Promotion and Education has urged Muslims to eat more warm foods during the period of fasting. She made these remarks on Wednesday at her office in Kotu. “When breaking the fast, it is ideal to eat something warm so that the intestine will be activated.  And the body will be ready to consume the diets. So we are encouraging individuals to eat warm foods and local tea.  They are nutritious and very good for our health. We need to stay healthy by eating nutritious diets. Because In Ramadan people will be fasting for so many hours.  And also dates. So these food options are very good for our health when breaking the fast" she urged. She encouraged people to eat local combination of foods, taken into account the healthy ones.  “We can also eat other combination of foods that we have at our disposal, taken into consideration the health ones.  When we talk about healthy ones, we ar

Ousman Sonko’s Trial: All The Things You Need To Know From March 7 2024

  7 March 2024 – Day 17: Ousman Sonko addresses the Court In accordance with the procedural code, Ousman Sonko was given the opportunity to address the Court before it began its deliberations. In particular, he stated in English that he regretted that the Court did not provide simultaneous interpretation of the closing arguments of the other parties, as he was not able to understand what had was argued. For this reason, he could not comment on the conclusions presented by the parties. The lack of translation was a problem for him throughout the course of the trial, since 8 January 2024, for him but, above all, for the people interested in the proceedings: The Gambians. He also stated that he was the subject of violations of his rights throughout the proceedings, in particular by not receiving the transcripts of his testimony in a timely manner. He further stated that some plaintiffs have adapted their statements during the trial to make them fit the charges brought against him and that

Madi Ceesay calls for public consultation on FGM

  Team Outpost As the debate on the FGM gather pace in the country, the Honourable member for Serrekunda West Constituency has called for the FGM bill to proceed to committe level for debate. War of words continue to ensue between the pro and anti FGM campaigners.  Rights holders of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) called for the total ban of the practice, whilst the pro campaigners called on law makers to repeal the bill.  Madi MK Ceesay said the bill should proceed to committe level for public consultation.  “My position is  for the Bill to  proceed to committee level, so that the public engaged. Law makers can't make paws for people without consultations,” he said.  He added: “Its is only then that the public can fully participate in law making. The members should not think for people they need to be consulted.  That has always being my position any time a Bill is before members” he concluded.

Opinion | Crisis Of Legitimacy In Our Homeland

         | Things that we ought to consider as a people seven years post dictatorship | By Almamy Fanding Taal We have chosen to engage in meaningless endeavors like repealing FGM and making elaborate procedural maneuvers to put JAMMEH and crimes of his era on trial in the Gambia while  the acolytes and enablers of dictatorship are elevated to the highest echelons of political power?  At the same time based on the recommendations of the Truth Commission successful prosecution have been made of the Jammeh era crimes outside the Gambia at no cost to public resources. This is a compelling precedent for Jammeh to stand trial in any other state with Unversal Jurisdiction. Charles Taylor of Liberia is serving a life sentence in a UK prison following his conviction for war crimes and crimes against humanity.  With the myriad challenges facing the judiciary of the country a cost benefit analysis of establishing a hybrid court system for Jammeh era crimes at this critical juncture in our nation